
Today's harvest

BAG RETURN: Just OK last week. We nearly ran out of bags. Please remember to bring back your bag — better yet, if you have a habit of forgetting, bring your own bag and leave our bag in its place.

SHARES LEFT BEHIND: If you are going to be away or are unable to pick up your share, please let us know. There have been 2-4 unclaimed bags for the last few weeks. We are able to salvage some of the food, but a lot goes to waste.

1 lb + adirondack red potatoes*
bunch carrots**
3-4 summer squash
3-5 cucumbers°
2 bulbs garlic
1-2 eggplant or 2-3 sweet bell peppers
bunch collards+
1 1/2 lb beans++
cutting garden

1 lb adirondack red potatoes*
1-2 summer squash
2-4 cucumbers°
1 bulb garlic
bunch beets w/ greens°°
2-3 sweet bell peppers
bunch kale+
1 lb green beans
cutting garden

*Adirondack red potatoes have red flesh.

**If you're not going to eat your carrots right away, we'd recommend cutting off the greens.

°Some of you will be getting Boothby's blonde cucumbers. They are pale yellow, short and stout. They are not overripe pickling cucumbers! :)

°°Beet greens are edible raw or cooked. Some of the beets are golden.

+The collards and kale this week are not the prettiest, but still delicious. We recommend cutting it thin and braising.

++Full shares will be getting either yellow wax, purple, or french filet beans.

CUTTING GARDEN: The flower and herb garden is looking great. You may cut several small bunches of herbs or one large one. You may pick a large bouquet of flowers. NEW THIS WEEK: Hungarian hot wax peppers (medium hot) are ready to pick when they are yellow to orange in color. There's likely not enough for everyone this week, but if you love hot peppers please pick a few. Smaller chilies will be abundant a bit later in the season.

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