
today's share

Full Shares:
pint cherry tomatoes
2-3 slicing tomatoes
2-3 cucumbers or summer squash
4-5 sweet peppers
bunch raab
6 oz. lettuce mix
2 heads lettuce
bunch turnips**
bunch green beans
1-2 heads celery*
cutting garden

Half Shares:
2-3 slicing tomatoes
3-5 sweet peppers
2-3 eggplant
bunch broccoli
bunch raab
6 oz. lettuce mix
bunch green beans
cutting garden

* Our celery is little but tasty. This is our second attempt at celery, and though we babied it more this year than last, it is still little. It is probably best suited for soups and stews.

** We left the greens on the turnips. They are edible (recipes on our website). But if you're not going to use them soon, we'd suggest cutting the greens off the turnips so the roots store better.

POTATOES: It was too wet to harvest potatoes, but we had a few crates left in the cooler. If you need potatoes for your pot-luck dish on Sunday, go ahead and take some.

The flowers are more and more scarce, so get a small bouquet while you can! There are still lots of herbs, so please cut big bunches!

WHERE WE'RE AT IN THE SEASON: Warm weather crops are slowing down. This is likely the last week you'll be seeing summer squash or cucumbers. We'll still be getting tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers in smaller quantities for at least another week or two. There are three more pick-ups after this one, which will be abundant with cooler weather crops. And it looks like we'll be offering a more informal, week-to-week-pay-as-you-go CSA, beyond week twenty, into November and possibly December. We'll keep you informed.


today's harvest

Full Shares:
bunch green beans
head cabbage
bunch raab
bunch carrots*
6 oz arugula
bunch onions
bunch collards or kale
2-4 sweet peppers or eggplant
2-3 slicing tomatoes
6 oz mesclun
cutting garden

Half Shares:
bunch broccoli
bunch raab
bunch carrots
4 oz arugula
bunch radish
2-3 cucumbers or summer squash
bunch green beans
cutting garden

The flowers are slowing down, but there are still plenty for small bouquets. There are still lots of herbs to be had, especially basil.


today's harvest

Full Shares:
2 lb. keuka gold potatoes
6 oz. mesclun
bunch garlic
2-4 cucumbers or summer squash
3-4 slicing tomatoes
4 oz. lettuce mix
bunch green beans
bunch kale
husk cherries or sweet peppers
cutting garden

Half Shares:
2 lb. keuka gold potatoes
bunch radish
bunch raab
6 oz. mesclun
bunch garlic
2-3 eggplant
2-3 slicing tomatoes or pint cherry tomatoes
4 oz. lettuce mix
cutting garden

There are still plenty of flowers and herbs in the cutting garden. There is still lots of basil for big batches of pesto!


today's harvest

Full Shares:
2 lbs. potatoes
bunch hot peppers
3-4 cucumbers
4-5 sweet peppers*
bunch raab greens
6 oz. arugula
bunch radish
5-8 slicing tomatoes**
maybe a melon***
cutting garden

Half Shares:
1 lb. potatoes
bunch beets
2-3 summer squash
4 oz. arugula
3-4 sweet peppers*
bunch hot peppers
3-5 slicing tomatoes**
cutting garden

* Some of you will be getting Jimmy Nardello sweet peppers which are long and thin, range in color from green to red, and look like a hot pepper.

** If you get any tomatoes that aren't quite ripe, just let them sit (not in the fridge) in a bag for a day or two and they will ripen right up.

*** Our melons are ripening very erratically this year, so some of you will be getting melons this week, and the rest of you over the next several. Your cantaloupe may need to sit for a few days to ripen. If it does, you'll be able to tell it's ready when it is fragrant and the end of the melon gives a little when you apply pressure it. If your water melon is not ripe, it will not ripen — let us know and we'll get you a replacement next week.

CUTTING GARDEN: Please visit the cutting garden and take a large bouquet of flowers and several bunches of herbs. There is plenty of basil for you to make a large batch of pesto to freeze — it is well worth the effort to harvest and freeze pesto for later in the year!!