
Winter CSA 2010

If you'd like to participate in our Winter CSA, and continue to receive weekly emails, please respond to this email no later than Friday Oct. 22nd.

This year we'll be going week-to-week. Pick-up will still be Tuesdays after 3pm.

We'll send out a weekly email on Friday letting you know what we're likely to harvest. If you'd like a bag that week, you need to let us know by Sunday.

The bags will range in price from $10-$20 per week. You'll pay for the bag when you pick it up.

We expect to still be harvesting through November.

today's harvest

Full Shares:
weigh-your-own potatoes — 3lbs
bunch carrots
rutabaga or gilfeather turnips
2 cups dry beans*
bunch baby beets with edible greens
6 oz salad mix
bunch kale
last sweet peppers
bunch baby bok choi
bunch parsley

Half Shares:
weigh-your-own potatoes — 2lbs
small bunch carrots
2-3 tomatoes
rod of brussels sprouts
bunch broccoli or cabbage
bunch baby bok choi
small bunch french breakfast radishes

* The dry beans include either Vermont cranberry, black turtle, or Arikara. If you don't know how to cook them, there is plenty of info online. The Vermont cranberry beans were featured in the RAFT program this year. Arikara beans are a Native American bean (named after the Arikara tribe), and were crucial in sustaining the Lewis and Clark expedition. Thomas Jefferson also used to rave about these beans!

CUTTING GARDEN: There are still lots of herbs! Notably, marjoram, parsley, and oregano in abundance.

BAG RETURN: Please remember to bring back your bags. Also, if you could bring back the bags you take away this week, we'd appreciate it. You can visit us at the Portsmouth Farmer's market to drop off bags as well.

Thank you so much for a great season! We'll be sending you a survey soon. If you intend to sign up for next year, let us know soon.

More info on our Winter CSA to follow.


today's share

Full Shares:
weigh-your-own potatoes — 3lb. *
bunch carrots **
bunch turnip ***
bunch leeks +
some garlic
4-6 tomatoes
bunch hot peppers ++
4 oz lettuce mix
6 oz mesclun +++
bunch kale
cutting garden

Half Shares:
weigh-your-own potatoes —3lb. *
bunch beets **
bunch onions
some garlic
4-6 sweet peppers
bunch hot peppers ++
bunch kale
cutting garden

* Full and half shares each weigh 3 lbs of potatoes. The scale, bags, and potatoes are to your left as you enter the barn. We will leave the lights on until about 7:30 or so. We're finding some witch-grass and wire-worm holes in the potatoes. The damage is usually cosmetic and easily cut out, but if you find a potato that has rotted inside, take some extra next week.

** You'll sometimes get beets and carrots that are quite small. This is because we thin the rows as we harvest, to make room for the roots left behind to grow bigger. The smaller roots are just as delicious. The beet greens are edible.

*** Some of you will be getting Gilfeather turnips. These were grown from heirloom seed given to us from the RAFT program. They're sometimes a bit bigger than our salad turnips, and personally, I prefer the Gilfeather greens to the purple top.

+ The leeks are smaller than we'd like them to be, but just as tasty. We planted them late this year — one or two crops get planted late every year, and this year it was the leeks and rutabaga.

++ The hot peppers are in a crate inside the cooler. Please take a handful.

+++ The mesclun gets spicier as the weather cools. I prefer to saute it when it is thus emboldened! Though it is still good raw if you prefer. You'll also notice that the kale gets sweeter as the weather cools!

CUTTING GARDEN: We've had a few frosts now and the bulk of the flowers are dead. The basil is also done. But there are lots of other herbs that are still in excellent shape, including cilantro. Please take what you will!


harvest postponed

This week's harvest is postponed until wednesday the 13th, after 3pm, due to a death in the family.


today's share

Full Shares:
bunch carrots
bunch beets
2-3 winter squash
6 oz mesclun
sweet peppers*
1-3 heads cabbage***
rod of brussels sprouts+
handfull hot peppers++
cutting garden

Half Shares:
bunch carrots
bunch celery
sweet peppers*
1-2 winter squash
bunch turnips
handfull hot peppers++
cutting garden

* The sweet peppers were harvested due to a frost threat, so some are a bit small. But they're still very tasty and versatile!

** The tomatoes were also harvested due to a frost threat. We picked a lot of green one's and have been ripening them up. We've included both red and green tomatoes in your shares. To continue ripening them at home, just place them in a paper bag on your kitchen counter. Placing an apple or another ripe tomato in the bag can help speed the ripening, but check daily for signs of rot!

*** Some of the cabbage heads are quite small. This is because they are the second growth on a stalk that had already been harvested. These 'personal-size' cabbages can be quite handy! And of course, they are delicious.

+ The brussels sprouts should be cut from the stalk before cooking! There are some good recipes on our website.

++ The hot peppers this week are in a crate in the cooler. Please take a handful.

+++ Full shares are weighing their own potatoes this week. There is a scale and bags on the left of the barn. The area will be lit until around 7:30 and we will have signs up. Choose the ones you want, and take three pounds.

There are some eggplants and other random veggies in the cooler that you can help yourselves to.

Also there are mums outside the barn door for the taking.

CUTTING GARDEN: You'll still find a few flowers and lots of herbs. There is some cilantro down there now. It's growth was patchy (just not a good cilantro year for us) but there's enough to cut!