
today's harvest

MUM SALE: There will be mums near the barn door for sale. Please leave money in the envelope — if you want to charge, please call or email. You can also send us a check.

6 oz arugula
3-5 slicing tomatoes
pint cherry or salad tomatoes
2-3 gilfeather turnips w/ greens*
2 winter squash**
2 heads bok choi
2-4 eggplant or 1-2 head lettuce
bunch sweet peppers
cutting garden

2 lb potatoes (some are getting fingerlings)
bunch leeks
head lettuce
2-3 eggplant or head cabbage
1-3 slicing tomatoes
broccoli or collards
cutting garden

*The turnip greens are delicious. Please see our website or search the interwebs for recipes.

**This week's winter squash includes delicata, sweet dumpling, or acorn.

CUTTING GARDEN: The flowers are not as plentiful, so small to medium bouquets are now available. There are LOTS of herbs. We had a tiny bit of frost which tinged some of the basil, so get the basil while you can. Please cut parsley — so delicious right now. There are LOTS of hot peppers ripening so harvest liberally. Also, husk cherries are still coming strong. Enjoy the cutting garden while you can!

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