NO SHARE LEFT BEHIND: Please let us know if you'll be away or otherwise unable to pick up your share. We're still finding 2-4 bags every week that don't get picked up.
5-8 slicing tomatoes#
pint cherry or salad tomatoes#
bunch leeks
2 lb potatoes
1-2 heads cabbage
6 oz lettuce mix
1 head lettuce
1-3 summer squash or sweet peppers+
3-5 cucumbers
cutting garden
bunch broccoli or kale
maybe a melon*
2-4 slicing tomatoes#
pint cherry or salad tomatoes#
1-2 sweet peppers
1-3 eggplant or 1-2 heads cabbage
2-4 cucumbers
3 oz lettuce mix
cutting garden
*We are harvesting our melons as they ripen. Some of you will be getting musk melons, and some will be getting watermelons. The musk melons may need a little more time to ripen up. You can tell when they are ripe when the end is a bit soft and the melon is fragrant. Watermelons will not ripen off the vine, so if we accidentally gave you an unripe one, please let us know and we'll get you another next week.
We harvest the musk melons a little under-ripe because once they start to smell, they become very attractive to all manner of bug and beast.
+Some of the zucchini will be of a size ideal for stuffing, parmesan, or zucchini bread.
#Some of the slicing tomatoes may need a few days to ripen up. The cherry tomatoes are either black or orange. The salad tomatoes (Jaune Flamme) are meant to be orange — some of them may need a bit of ripening. They are a great size for salads, and great roasters, but you can do anything with them! Our black prince tomatoes have a lot of splitting, but they are one of the better tasting tomatoes this year — their beauty is internal!
CUTTING GARDEN: NEW THIS WEEK: In addition to the sunflowers and hot peppers that are now available, you may now pick HUSK CHERRIES! Husk cherries are like little tomatillos, but very sweet. They grow in a paper lantern, and are ripe when both the paper and fruit are golden. They are just starting to ripen, so you may only find a handful this week. The ripe ones tend to fall off the bush, and usually remain in good shape as they wait on the ground for you to swoop them up. Feel free to carefully pick up the branches of the plant to look for fruit underneath.
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