
today's harvest

BAG RETURN: Very poor last week — we did not quite have enough bags to work with this week. Please remember to bring your bags back — particularly if you have more than one.

3-5 tomatoes*
4 oz lettuce mix
bunch leeks
6 oz baby chard
2 winter squash**
small bunch sweet peppers
bunch parsley
1 1/2 lb parsnips
2-4 eggplant or 3-5 cucumbers
head cabbage or pint cherry/salad tomatoes
carrot thinnings+
head lettuce
cutting garden

bunch sweet peppers
bunch parsley
bunch broccoli or collards
carrot thinnings+
2 winter squash**
head bok choi
3 gilfeather turnips w/ greens++
cutting garden

*The tomatoes this week include green zebras. They are ripe when the bottom is a little soft — some may also start to turn yellow.

**The winter squash this week includes acorn, delicata, sweet dumpling, and butternut.

+We thinned our carrot patch and didn't want the tiny carrots to go to waste. The roots are great to throw into salads or soups. The greens can be used for vegetable stock, or compost.

++The turnip greens are delicious. Please see our website or search the interwebs for recipes.

CUTTING GARDEN: The flowers are not as plentiful, so small to medium bouquets are now available. There are LOTS of herbs. We had a tiny bit of frost which tinged some of the basil, so get the basil while you can. Please cut parsley — so delicious right now. There are LOTS of hot peppers ripening so harvest liberally. Also, husk cherries are still coming strong. Enjoy the cutting garden while you can!

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