This Week's Harvest:
Full Shares:
1 head lettuce
1 bunch chard
1 bunch kale
1 bunch radish
6oz bag lettuce mix
6oz bag mesclun
8 garlic scapes*
1 bunch scallions
Small Shares:
1 head lettuce
1 bunch scallions
5 garlic scapes*
1 bunch chard
4oz bag lettuce mix
4oz bag mesclun
*Garlic scapes are the flower-frond of the garlic plant which is cut to
encourage the growth of the bulb. You can use them in the same way you
use garlic, and are great sauteed with greens. A once-in-a-season treat.
Small shares: Sorry we don't have radishes for you yet; our first bed
had poor germination. But the next bed looks great and you will have
radishes next week.
CUTTING GARDEN: The herb garden is now open! We moved the herb garden
this year. If you are facing the entrance to the barn, the herbs are to
your right just past and above the large oak tree. Everything is
labelled. Please be carefull to walk in the pathways and not the beds.
This week you may take small sprigs of any of the following: sage,
parsley, thyme, oregano, summer savory, and leaf fennel. You may cut
bunches of chives.
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