2 lb fingerling and/or new potatoes*
2-4 cucumbers
2-4 summer squash
2-3 sweet onions
bunch kale**
bunch herbs+
broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, or sweet peppers°
cutting garden
1-2 summer squash or 1-2 cucumbers
3-4 sweet onions
bunch chard
bunch herbs+
1-2 sweet peppers°
cutting garden
*The shape and size of fingerling potatoes make them ideal for roasting, boiling or grilling.
**The kale has a lot of tiny holes from flea beetles. If you cut the kale thin and braise it, you'll barely notice the holes.
+We needed to cut the basil for you this week to ensure good future growth of the plants. Some of you will have chives instead.
++This week you'll be getting either yellow wax, green, french filet, or purple beans. We're still picking at the time of this post, so we're not sure how much you'll be getting. Everyone will be getting at least a pound.
°The sweet peppers include bells and longer, thinner frying peppers.
CUTTING GARDEN: The flower and herb garden is filling out very nicely. You may cut several small bunches of herbs or one large one. You may pick a large bouquet of flowers.
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