
today's harvest

BAG RETURN: If you are returning your bag, thank you and congratulations. For those of you who haven't been, you've had an epic week. We are now missing even more bags than last week. Which makes more work for us. So please make a better effort — you can do this.

bunch couve (collards)
bunch scallions
snap and snow peas
bunch salad turnips
bunch carrots*
1 1/4 lb new potatoes
head napa**
2 bulbs fresh garlic+
cutting garden

bunch couve (collards)
bunch chard
small bunch scallions
snap peas
2 bulbs fresh garlic
1 1/4 lb new potatoes
bunch salad turnips
cutting garden

*The carrots are Paris Market carrots. They are an early season quick crop, due to their short and stout shape. If you don't eat them soon, cut off the greens. The greens can be frozen and used for veg stock.

**Napa cabbage provides many hiding places for insects and slugs. We'd recommend cutting it and washing thoroughly before eating. Sometimes the inner stems, which we can't see without cutting, are damaged — if your napa cabbage is too damaged to use, let us know and we'll put something extra in your bag next week.

+fresh garlic has not been cured, so will not keep as long as storage garlic. The fresh taste and juiciness are a July treat.

CUTTING GARDEN: There is an abundance of flat-leaf parsley and cilantro, so please snip a bunch of both. You may also take small bunches of oregano, marjoram, thyme, tarragon, chives and basil. There are enough flowers beginning to bloom for a small bouquet. Please snip more generously within the two yarrow patches and the daisy patch. Reminder: the cutting garden accounts for a portion of your share value — please take advantage of it. You are welcome to come any time during the week. If you are physically incapable of walking to the cutting garden, please let us know and we'll cut for you.

In general, most herbs and flowers can be snipped back to where you can see new growth or blooms emerging further down on the stem. Cilantro and chives can be cut down to about an inch tall, and will grow back. With parsley, you harvest the lower leaves, leaving the crown intact.

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