10 oz lettuce mix
bunch kale
bunch salad turnip
bunch collards
8 oz snap peas
handful snow peas
cutting garden*
p.y.o. strawberries**
8 oz lettuce mix
bunch kale
bunch salad turnip
bunch chard or collard
8 oz snap or snow peas
cutting garden*
p.y.o. strawberries**
*CUTTING GARDEN: This week, in addition to the perennial herbs that are still available, you may cut a few sprigs of parsley. The parsley is just a little further down the hill in the cutting garden. You cut the bottom leaves of the parsley, leaving the new growth and crown intact. The parsley is still relatively small, so go easy on them! Also, please be very mindful not to step on the other beds in the garden as there are many small herbs planted in them.
We still have some strawberries in the two beds located just below the perennial herbs. You may pick up to a pint. The pint containers are next to the sign-off sheet in the barn. You may pick your pint of strawberries at any time this week (until next Monday). If the plants have already been picked over by the time you get to them, feel free to come back a day or two later.
EXCHANGE CRATE: Today we will have a crate in the cooler. If you'd like to trade something from your share, for what is already in the crate, you may do so. If you take something from the crate, you have to put something from your share back in the crate.
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