
today's share

Full Shares:
weigh-your-own potatoes — 3lb. *
bunch carrots **
bunch turnip ***
bunch leeks +
some garlic
4-6 tomatoes
bunch hot peppers ++
4 oz lettuce mix
6 oz mesclun +++
bunch kale
cutting garden

Half Shares:
weigh-your-own potatoes —3lb. *
bunch beets **
bunch onions
some garlic
4-6 sweet peppers
bunch hot peppers ++
bunch kale
cutting garden

* Full and half shares each weigh 3 lbs of potatoes. The scale, bags, and potatoes are to your left as you enter the barn. We will leave the lights on until about 7:30 or so. We're finding some witch-grass and wire-worm holes in the potatoes. The damage is usually cosmetic and easily cut out, but if you find a potato that has rotted inside, take some extra next week.

** You'll sometimes get beets and carrots that are quite small. This is because we thin the rows as we harvest, to make room for the roots left behind to grow bigger. The smaller roots are just as delicious. The beet greens are edible.

*** Some of you will be getting Gilfeather turnips. These were grown from heirloom seed given to us from the RAFT program. They're sometimes a bit bigger than our salad turnips, and personally, I prefer the Gilfeather greens to the purple top.

+ The leeks are smaller than we'd like them to be, but just as tasty. We planted them late this year — one or two crops get planted late every year, and this year it was the leeks and rutabaga.

++ The hot peppers are in a crate inside the cooler. Please take a handful.

+++ The mesclun gets spicier as the weather cools. I prefer to saute it when it is thus emboldened! Though it is still good raw if you prefer. You'll also notice that the kale gets sweeter as the weather cools!

CUTTING GARDEN: We've had a few frosts now and the bulk of the flowers are dead. The basil is also done. But there are lots of other herbs that are still in excellent shape, including cilantro. Please take what you will!

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