
today's harvest

So when you come to the farm today or tomorrow, there will be many stacks of crates in the cold-room at the back of the barn. Those of you who have a FULL share, may take two bags of any greens. Those of you with HALF shares may take one bag of greens.

Your choices are as follows:

spicy mesclun (for salads or braising, with the occasional wasabi-type nasal rush!)
mild mesclun (for salads or braising, no wasabi rush!)
braising mix (better for braising, but can be eaten raw)
arugula (for salads or braising)

If you choose to braise the greens, they will be done in seconds!

Again, this is not a typical pick-up. Normally, you will pick up on Tuesdays, and you will have a bag prepared for you.

There will be NO pick-up next week. The official start of CSA pick-ups will be June 8th, after 3pm! You can expect the shares to initially be small, but they will progressively grow larger! Thus far, our crops are looking fantastic!

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